Follow @stuckinscared Stuck In Scared: February 2014


Wednesday 26 February 2014

'Boop & Cookie's' #WOWpetition journey. (2013)

JANUARY 2013 - 'Betty' and 'Cookie' look on the internet for help and find support and friends at *WOW petition*

FEBRUARY 2013 - 'Betty' and 'Cookie' along with thousands of other sick and disabled people worry that the WCA will discriminate against them - It should be abolished!

MARCH 2013 - The horrible 'scrounger' rhetoric, government/media propaganda keep 'Betty and 'Cookie' (& thousands of others) awake at night, they use Twitter to build resistance.

APRIL 2013 - Forced to chose between heating and eating WOWzers everywhere stay strong and continue to support each other. Because they have love in their hearts.

MAY 2013 - But the Government is relentless in it's cruelty and 'Betty and 'Cookie' along with many others are forced to use a foodbank to survive.

JUNE 2013 - But even food aid is limited by the evil department of work and pensions and soon the cupboard is bare. 

JULY 2013 - Hit by cumulative cuts, sanctions, bedroom tax and council tax they lose their home and are forced to live in a tent. 

AUGUST 2013 - But the tent is destroyed by tabloid reading vandals so 'Betty' and 'Cookie' sleep under the stars. 

SEPTEMBER 2013 - 'Betty & 'Cookie' agree - It's time to resist the 'War On Welfare' - Time to make a stand! 

OCTOBER 2013 - Not even ghosts and ghouls can scare 'Betty' & 'Cookie' - after all they are fighting a whole Government! 

NOVEMBER 2013 - 'Betty' & 'Cookie' want *Change* - Together with thousands of other allies they are determined to defeat the evil DWP!

DECEMBER 2013 - 'Betty & 'Cookie' along with fellow WOWzers celebrate the success (100,000+ signatures) of the #WOWpetition! 

On the 27th February 100,000 strong take on Westminster - A main chamber debate (the first of it's kind) - BY disabled people FOR disabled people!  

'Boop & 'Cookie's story was a bit of fun which helped to raise awareness of and gather support for #WOWpetition during 2013 - The demonizing of UK disabled people however is a very serious matter. 
Thousands of sick and disabled people have been and are being hurt by the Governments welfare reforms!.... So my friends on behalf of all concerned - If you signed/supported the #WOWpetition during 2013 and continue to support the WOWcampaign now ....*THANK YOU* ! 

Thank you as always for allowing me to share 

God bless you and all those you love 

Kimmie x 

UPDATE: We won the debate :O) 

Thursday 13 February 2014

'Don't be fooled by Hetty Hoovers smile'

Do not be fooled by Hetty Hoovers smile... If you value your sanity, your home and your life then take my advice and stay well away from ‘Hetty (Bloody) Hoover’ (especially if you’re knackered, naked and not in the mood for shenanigans)

After showering today I decided to pamper myself with that Dove-hint-of-a-tan moisturising gunk.
I’ve used it before and it does what it says on the bottle.... de-whites skin gradually without turning it orange.
However it is gunky and takes forever to soak in meaning one has to remain naked for 20 min or so before getting dressed.

So what’s a girl to do when she’s naked, greased up and hiding from ‘man mind’?  

Housework of-course.

I make the beds, run a duster round and I’m just about to head down stairs for my (I will do anything for you) ‘Dyson’ when I remember that I’m still naked and  ‘The Body Guard’ along with his (I know what I’d like to do for you) ‘man mind’ is down there – I’m way too knackered for any of his shenanigans so I head in the direction of the box room instead.

And there behind the box room door is ‘Hetty Hoover’ –  Aw she’s so cute, sat there all pink and smiley batting her painted on eyelashes at me…. Who could resist her?! 
And there behind the box room door is ‘Hetty Hoover’ –  Aw she’s so cute, sat there all pink and smiley batting her painted on eyelashes at me…. Who could resist her?!
Hetty is actually Littlie’s hoover. 'Littlie' has many obsessions and one of them is Hoovers, so last Christmas The-man-in-red delivered Hetty (butter wouldn't melt) hoover instead of toys.

Anyway... I pick up Hetty, carry her along to Littlie’s room, plug her in and begin hoovering. 
Hetty is clearly not happy about this! 
She refuses to follow me when yanked, hides behind every available piece of furniture, and if the way she’s gripping the bloody carpet is anything to go by her brushes have morphed into teeth!  

Panting and sweating (which does nothing to speed up the drying out of moisturised nakedness) I pull the awkward little bugger into my room and ignoring the (now defiant) look on her face attempt to hoover by the side of the bed.

Hetty however, has her eye on the dog crate at the bottom of the bed and heads straight for it – she gets stuck and I fall (ungracefully) onto the bed, narrowly avoiding getting my eye sucked out in the process. 
do not be fooled by Hetty Hoovers smile... Panting and sweating (which does nothing to speed up the drying out of moisturised nakedness) I pull the awkward little bugger into my room and ignoring the (now defiant) look on her face attempt to hoover by the side of the bed.
I drag myself up from the bed, rescue Hetty, and after lots more heaving and panting finish the bedroom and head toward the small staircase that leads up to the loft room.

Leaving Hetty at the bottom of the stairs and taking her nose up with me I have de-fluffed all steps bar two when ‘Hetty’ suddenly squeals her objection at having her nose yanked and plops over onto her back defiantly, I yank on her nose again (aggressively) in an attempt to reach the last two steps but she’s having none of it. 

With no choice but to go back and rescue the little minx I stomp ungracefully down the stairs (dropping an F-Bomb as I go!)
Half way down Hetty wraps her nose around my foot causing me to fall down the remainder of the stairs and crash into the Bannister's that separate the stair case I’m on from the one below.
 Do not be fooled by ‘Hetty Hoovers’ smile... Hetty is a nasty piece of work...!  If you value your sanity, your home, and your life then take my advice and stay well away from Hetty-Bloody-Hoover (especially if you’re knackered, naked and not in the mood for shenanigans).
Having narrowly escaped going over the top of the Banister and landing in ‘all my glory’ at the bottom of the house (I kid you not...!) I get up and grab ‘smiley face’ by the Throat handle and heave her up toward the top of the stairs (Hetty could do with losing a few pounds!)

Still grinning at me Hetty’s next trick is to hook and pull over a flower arrangement at the bottom of the stairs ‘hoover bumping’ me into the wall as she does so!  Wonderful… now I have flowers to rearrange - paint work to de-bum-print and I need another shower  o_O  ! 

Hetty is now tucked back behind the box room door and there she will stay unless 'Littlie' wants to play with her. 
'Littlie' will always be supervised when Hetty's around, as for me... I will never ever play with Hetty  again (supervised or otherwise). 

And the moral of the story… Do not be fooled by ‘Hetty Hoovers’ smile... Hetty is a nasty piece of work...!

If you value your sanity, your home, and your life then take my advice and stay well away from Hetty-Bloody-Hoover (especially if you’re knackered, naked and not in the mood for shenanigans).

Thank you for allowing me to share

God bless you and all those you love

Kimmie x

#MidLifeLuv Linky