Follow @stuckinscared Stuck In Scared: April 2014


Friday 11 April 2014

'Messy Art Of Play'

Hello 'Friends of Mummy', 'Littlie' here - mummies not been up to blogging much recently, actually she's not been up to much at all other than seeing to my needs (I have many :O))

I on the other hand have been up to all sorts - It's the school holidays at the mo and I've been doing my best to make sure mummy enjoys them!

Today I worked especially hard at the 'Stick a smile on Mum' thing (she's not very well at the moment) and (If I do say so myself) I absolutely nailed it! - so I thought I'd pinch one of her blog posts (shhhh!) and share my wonderfulness with you guys.

On that note I give to you -  'The Messy Art Of Play'.

Step 1 - Squirt some cheap 'smells like daddy' gloop (Shaving Foam) into a bowl and add to it some food colouring.

Step 2 - Stir it up madly until it looks good enough to eat (Don't eat it!)

Step 3 - Spoon your 'Looks-yummy-smells-like-dad' paint into a muffin tray - Again, don't eat it!
Step 4 - Plonk bum, load paint brush  & watch sweetly as mummy demonstrates a little sunshine picture on the kitchen cupboard door for you to copy.

Okay that's enough of the 'step this - step that' rubbish - Just ditch the paint brush as soon as possible and smother yourself and every available surface in gloop! (Don't worry mums, It washes off!)

And that's all there is too it! - Have fun :O) 

P.S For those of you who raised your eyebrows at my "It washes off" statement - I went to the trouble of taking before and after pics :O) 

I smiled a lot today and (Thanks to me) mummy did too! 

Dear God, Thank you for giving me a mummy who doesn't mind 'Gloop' and a Daddy who doesn't mind clearing it up. I had fun today. Amen. 

Thank You for allowing me to share 

God bless you and yours 

'Littlie' x