Follow @stuckinscared Stuck In Scared: May 2014


Friday 23 May 2014

Me to You

I'm never alone 
You're always there 
Beside me - miles apart
Mentally kindred 
A shared recognition
Connected heart to heart

An emotional connection
Parallel friend
Screened yet so well known
Hugger, hand holder
Felt - untouched 
Never together - never alone

You know 'that place' 
You've been there too
You relate to stuck-In-Scared
Echoed thoughts
mutual empathy 
Relief through troubles shared

We've never met
we've never touched
I might pass you on the street
Relative stranger
Special friend 
You mean so much to me
                                             Copyright©2014kimmie All Rights Reserved

For the #hug's and #muchlove's and for all of the above - Thank you! 
If you're online and you're one of mine this ones for you :O) x 

I guess my positive thought today has to be you dear book'rs - Twitter'rs & readers of my rambles.  I honestly don't know how I used to manage without you all! 


Thank you as always for allowing me to share. 

God bless you and all those you love 

Kimmie x