Follow @stuckinscared Stuck In Scared: August 2015


Wednesday 26 August 2015

Wordless Wednesday 26/08/2015 ... Swans

Kimmie x

Single Mother Ahoy Wordless Wednesday

Sunday 23 August 2015

Poem... That Cam-I-Am

I do not like him here nor there... I do not like him anywhere... Poem Austerity. via @stuckinscared

That ‘Cam-I-am’ 
That ‘Cam-I-am’ 
I do not like that ‘Cam-I-am’

I do not like him here or there  
I do not like him anywhere
I do not like him on my telly
smoke-screen grin... state funded belly
I do not like him in my head
invading dreams when I'm in bed
I do not like his policies
his attitude to those in need
I do not like his spare room charge
homes (he says), are far too large
while he and his, and them and theirs
homes (state funded), rooms to spare
looking down on me and mine
and you and yours, and yours and theirs!

You homeless poor man....? 
'Cam' don’t care!

That ‘Cam-I-am' 
That ‘Cam-I-am’ 
I do not like that ‘Cam-I-am

Not in my head, not here or there
I do not like him anywhere
I do not like his common(s) trough
piggy chums, (state funded) scoff
I do not like his welfare war
feed the rich, starve the poor
His food-bank-Britain... Eton mess
Cameron - Osborne - IDS
“Scrounger, skiver,  feckless slob”
“sick, disabled? - GET A JOB!” 
PIP PIP (pardon the pun), state funded wine
looking down on me and mine
and you and yours, and yours and theirs

You hungry poor man...?
'Cam' don’t care!

That ‘Cam-I-am’ 
That ‘Cam-I-am’ 
I do not like that 'Cam-I-am'. 

Copyright©2015kimmie All Rights Reserved

Poem. That Cam-I-Am. Austerity. Oppression. Poverty. Disability.

Thank you for allowing me to share 

God bless you, and all those you love 

Kimmie x 


Sunday 16 August 2015

The WOWcampaign today launches a new e-petition!

The WOWcampaign today launches a new e-petition to remind the Government that they have failed to honour the parliamentary motion in support of the WOWpetition. 

You can sign WOWpetition here

Today the WOWcampaign launches a new petition on the Government ...
e-petition website, e-petition 1060681. It calls for the Government to “Assess full impact of all cuts to support & social care for disabled people”. The WOWcampaign have taken this action 18 months after the original “WOWpetition” was debated in the House of Commons because little has happened since, save for sick and disabled people being targeted by further cuts.

Continue reading here

Monday 3 August 2015

Hope For Jenny. #HomeForJenny

My friend, Lizzi (who is a beautiful bean) is trying to help her friend, Jenny (who is, by all accounts, also a beautiful bean). Jenny is homeless, but (Thanks to Lizzi) not hopeless! 

I'm not going to tell the story... it's not my story to tell, but I'd love for you to read Lizzi's account, (below), because, (I believe...from what I know of you via Twitter, & the blog), many of you are likely to be as moved by Jenny's strength, (and Lizzi's heart) as I have been. 


My Lovelies, if you’ve been around here for more than the odd occasion lately, you’ll know all about Jenny; the amazing lady I met a few weeks ago when I took post-hotel-conference food to distribute to the homeless people in the city centre (I’m not an angel – food waste is anathema to me when there are people going hungry, and I couldn’t bear it to be thrown away rather than shared, with just a tiny bit of effort on my part). Well, I have AMAZING news about her, but also need your help. 

If you’ve followed our story, you’ll know that I offered to help, however I could, if it was possible, because she got under my skin and became part of my Village, and she matters to me. I visit each day and bring her tea, because that’s what she said would make life better for her (except not right now because I’m laid up at home with shingles (and if this post wanders, I apologise now – I’m on some heavy-duty pain meds) and I miss her lots) and she has opened my eyes to an entirely different world.
A harsh world. REALLY harsh. 
Continue reading... HERE 
Lizzi Rogers is co-founder of the #1000speak (1000 voices for Compassion) movement...inspired by An article she wrote in January 2015 , she has a heart of gold. 
You can connect with Lizzi on Twitter (if you'd like to) HERE
You can read more about Jenny Jenny 

Excerpt... "But I want you to see her. And Gabriel. In their ‘home’ – an alcove of the 13th Century Old Walls in my city. A ‘home’ with a brick back and a cardboard front, and no…well…no anything, except what they can beg, borrow, adapt or scrounge. A ‘home’ which when Gabriel has convulsions because of a suspected brain injury, he can fall through the box wall into the public car-park which the old wall is a border of. A home with a scavenged toddler’s pushchair as an extra seat. A ‘home’ where Jenny has made a purple craft-paper window, cut into four, and stuck it in between the box/cupboard/bricks which make up the front, because sometimes even a homeless person wants to be able to look out of the window."

Thank you for allowing me to share 
God bless you, and all those you love 
Kimmie x 

Sunday 2 August 2015

Beautiful blooms... out of place.

*Whispers*... Hi all, no ramble today, I'm still (technically) on a blog break, (explained HERE if you're interested), but as I'm not on a camera break, (perish the thought), and as 'Camera' has excelled herself this week; I thought I'd nip over and share her captures with you.

I have no idea what these blooms are called, if you know, please tell... they look kinda Lily like to me, except much smaller than a Lily, longer lasting (3 weeks & counting), and less messy.

I like to mix things up a bit, so, for these shots a stem of 'Lily-look-a-like' was plucked from a vase in my kitchen and plunged, randomly, into a Lavender bush in the garden... 'Camera' did the rest.

I'm chuffed with the results...I hope 'whatsername' brightens your week, as she has mine. :o)

Thank you for allowing me to share.

God bless you, and all those you love

Kimmie x