Follow @stuckinscared Stuck In Scared: 'Somebody's Son' (Nurturing in passing) #1000speak

Sunday 19 April 2015

'Somebody's Son' (Nurturing in passing) #1000speak



Snow falls, blanketing the Town 
Somebody's son is cold 
his hands are froze to biting 
his body (though not) feels old.

Sat upon a cardboard sheet 
Somebody's son, alone 
Huddled against a letter box
gloves wet from shifting snow

Across the street a chip shop
full of faces, bright, but one
Sad face's heart is breaking 
because she, is somebody's mum. 

As she watches through the window 
somebody's son lays down to sleep
his head on stone cold concrete 
body curled on cardboard sheet 

As she turns to place her order
Somebody's mother wipes her eye
and offers up a silent prayer
'Lord, Please don't let him die'

Across the street, now sleeping 
somebody's son dreams hungers dream
Of Yorkshire pud, fish and chips
and mint choc chip ice-cream

He doesn't hear her snowy tread 
or the "here son" she does tell 
It's to dreams come true he comes around
awakened by the smell. 

Ten doors up, hugging 'Chippy tea'
a mother's eyes stream
Because somebody's son is smiling
whilst unwrapping hungers dream 

Somebody's mother, one portion down 
turns away, heads off home
Where waiting, no doubt hungry 
are two sons of her own.
Copyright©2015kimmie All Rights Reserved


Poem: Somebody's Son. (a #1000speak post) | Homeless | Homelessness | Compassion.


This post is my contribution to Aprils 'One Thousand Voices for compassion' movement - a monthly event to promote and encourage good in the world.

On the 20th of each month bloggers and video-makers from all over the world come together to speak for compassion, in the hope of making a difference. 

Each month there is a new topic (This months focus is NURTURING) alongside the broader topic of compassion.

#1000speak is a beautiful movement and one I'm proud to be a part of.  :o)

Quote "Compassion is contagious, it's worth catching." #1000speak

"Let ourselves care about strangers, act on behalf of those who are helpless, and encourage everyone we know to do the same." ~ Lizzi Rogers

There are so many #1000speak contributions, from bloggers all over the World.... I encourage you to check them out if you get a chance, I'm sure you'll find some that resonate with you. 

You can do that by following @1000speak on Twitter or by checking out the '1000 Voices for Compassion' Face book page Here

Speaking for GOOD on the 20th of every month


Thank you as always for allowing me to share 

God bless you, and all those you love 

Kimmie x

Poem: Somebody's Son. (a #1000speak post) | Homeless | Homelessness | Compassion.

You may also like: Marie's Voice #1000speak


  1. Kimmie, I am lost for words..

    'Somebody's Son' took my breath away.

    Your writing just gets better and better. Your insight and compassion and the ability to put the reader right there in the moment leaves me in awe of you.

    Don't ever stop writing.

    Michelle xx

    1. Thanks Michelle, I thought you'd like this've a heart for the hurting :)

      Thanks for the lovely words of encouragement too, they mean a lot to me!

      Love to you and M, Kimmie x

  2. What an incredibly moving and beautiful poem. This captures a response to homelessness - and really life in general - that I wish we all had and acted out. I find this reaction most lacking when it comes to criminals. While I do not condone criminal activity in any sense of the word, I cannot help but hurt for the families of the perpetrators. We are all someone's someone.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read/comment Brandy...I'm so glad the poem spoke to you.

      "We are all someone's someone." What a lovely quote! I may use that one day as a blog title, if that's okay with you....I can feel the cogs turning as i type lol

      Thanks for dropping by Brandy

      God bless you and yours, Kimmie x

  3. Beautiful and brilliant <3
    And I love the #1000Speak photo which I shared but couldn't tag you, sorry!

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you like the poem (photo) ....and share away, no tag necessary :)

      Kimmie x

  4. Thank you, I'm so glad you think so :)

  5. Thank you so much lizzi, I'm so pleased it spoke to you :)

  6. True portrayal of 'Somebody's son'! Beautiful and thought provoking Kimmie! :)

    Check out mine -

  7. Oh wow. This is so evocative and I can feel the cold and smell those chips all the way out here in western Canada. May this stir the soul of every reader and cause them to think twice the next time they are tempted to dismiss the person lying there on the cardboard ...

  8. Oh wow. This is so evocative and I can feel the cold and smell those chips all the way out here in western Canada. May this stir the soul of every reader and cause them to think twice the next time they are tempted to dismiss the person lying there on the cardboard ...

    1. Oh Thank you Kelly....You have read this exactly how I hoped people would :) x

  9. Wow. Amazing. Beautiful. Loved it. Hugs to you Kimmie

    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you thought so :)
      *hugging you back* X

  10. Wow! Kimmie this is awesome! Had me in tears reading this. I think with it being a male, it made me think what would happen if my boys were in that situation!

    Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    Laura x x x

    1. Hi Laura, Thanks so much for such lovely feed back. I'm glad the poem spoke to you....

      Your tears, my friend, are an outward pour of your compassionate heart,,,,good tears :)

      and yes, it's the same for me, when I see homeless people (male or female) I think of my own kids. - It hurts my heart every time.

      Thanks so much for stopping by Laura

      Love to you and yours, kimmie x

  11. It is a beautiful poem, Kimmie. We are both feeling rhythmic this week, eh?

    1. Thank you Paula, yes, we clearly are :) x

  12. Such a beautiful image of caring and compassion!!

  13. I loved this post because it makes us look at others' struggles from another perspective. Well written and very inspiring!

    1. Thank you Margie, I'm glad the poem spoke to you :)

  14. Love this. Beautiful and heartbreaking. So well done. It's always somebody's son (or daughter). Always. People seem to forget that. And from the perspective of the other mum... Just beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much Sarah, for reading, and for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment.

      I'm glad the poem spoke to you :)

  15. Oh Kimmie! This is so lovely. I have a tendency to always look thru a mothers eyes. When there is tragedy or triumph, I always feel what the mother would feel. This piece embodies that compassion. Well done!

    1. Aw Elena, you'v a good heart :)

      I'm so pleased the poem resonated with you.

      Thank you for popping over :)

      God bless, Kimmie x

  16. Wow, what an incredible poem. I've had those thoughts but never been able to express them so well. Congrats!

    1. Thank you Jan, I'm glad the poem resonated with you.

  17. This poem is so moving was in tears wheh I read it.x

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read/comment/and share, Carole.

      I'm glad the poem spoke to you x

  18. Beautiful :-) Now working with homeless, this poem means even more xxx

    1. I'm glad the poem resonated with you Sandra (I almost typed Amanda then o_O) - Thanks for stopping by x

  19. I'm in aw with this post....thank you for sharing, opening eyes and spreading awareness on the necessity of more compassionate and loving hearts that are needed in this world.

    1. Thankfully, there are many compassionate and loving hearts in the world...1000 speak campaign is evidence of that... but yes, I know what you mean...opening eyes, spreading awareness is key to more of it, compassion&kindness being the 'it' :)

      Thank you for stopping by, and taking the time to leave such a lovely comment.

  20. Simply beautiful, words penned from the soul tend to

  21. Thanks for linking back to this one, Kimmie. You poem is beautiful, full of warmth and compassion. I wish you warmth and love in your life.

    1. Thanks for hopping over to this one, Norah. I'm glad you did :)

      Wishing you the very same xxxx

  22. Thank you, Kimmie. You open my heart and fill my eyes with tears. May we always remember that the young person with a homeless sign or the old man sitting outside wrapped in a blanket could be our kid or us. My grocery store has gift cards that can be given and turned in for food. I'm out of these at the moment, so you remind me to replenish my supply.

    1. Bless you, Elaine. I'm so glad the poem resonated with you.

      The gift cards are a lovely idea... there are some coffee shops local to me who do similar. Customers can by a coffee in lieu of for the homeless when they purchase their own.

      And could be anyone of us. "There but for the grace of God (go I)."

      Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

      All the best. Kimmie.

  23. What a beautiful and touching poem Somebody's Son is. I'm so glad I popped by to read. #1000speak is a wonderful movement to be part of and you do it justice with such beautiful words. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Tamuria. I'm so glad you enjoyed the poem. Thank you for popping over. Kimmie.

  24. "Compassion brings hope to the darkest of places..."
    Kimmie, I just read your poem again. It made me weep--again--for the son and just as much for the grieving mother.

    1. Thank you so much for reading-again. I wrote it (sometime ago now), and it still makes me cry too, sometimes... for the same reasons as it does you. And also, because it was my Dad's favorite.

      You have a beautiful heart, Elaine. x

  25. This was so touching and sweet, and I am so happy you shared this.

  26. Just found your post via #SundayBlogShare - so glad I did, what a lovely poem x

    1. Thank you so much. I'm glad the poem spoke to you :)

  27. Thanks for posting this Great Article. Somebody's Son Podcast is a team of personal development coaches that helps men battle with the pressures of manhood every day. Listen to our podcasts on youtube & Spotify. For more information, Please visit at
