Please help the world's refugees.
All who's lives have been torn apart by conflict,
forced to leave their homes, loved ones, countries.
Protect those who are journeying now
heal those who are safe, but still traumatized
Soften the 'hard hearts' - comfort the broken
Send hope for the hopeless.
Let all who can do something to help... do it
all who have something to give... give it
all who seek a safe place to live... find it.
All who can do nothing but pray... pray.
That all who suffer be given strength; to persevere, to hold on to hope.
That they be accommodated, comforted, cared for.
These people, they're aching... physically, emotionally, spiritually
Their pain must be unbearable, beyond comprehension
Mothers, Fathers, children, babies
Hungry, hurting, homeless... afraid.
Human beings... some dead, some dying
and those who survive the journey...
thrown from a sea of hope into an unfamiliar (largely unwelcoming) world
Washed up, weary worn... stranded.
Help them, Lord... please help them
Thank you for allowing me to share
God bless you, and all those you love
Kimmie x
I'm adding this post to this months #1000speak linky on the 20th of October... to find out more about 1000 speak, click here.