Follow @stuckinscared Stuck In Scared: Me to You

Friday, 23 May 2014

Me to You

I'm never alone 
You're always there 
Beside me - miles apart
Mentally kindred 
A shared recognition
Connected heart to heart

An emotional connection
Parallel friend
Screened yet so well known
Hugger, hand holder
Felt - untouched 
Never together - never alone

You know 'that place' 
You've been there too
You relate to stuck-In-Scared
Echoed thoughts
mutual empathy 
Relief through troubles shared

We've never met
we've never touched
I might pass you on the street
Relative stranger
Special friend 
You mean so much to me
                                             Copyright©2014kimmie All Rights Reserved

For the #hug's and #muchlove's and for all of the above - Thank you! 
If you're online and you're one of mine this ones for you :O) x 

I guess my positive thought today has to be you dear book'rs - Twitter'rs & readers of my rambles.  I honestly don't know how I used to manage without you all! 


Thank you as always for allowing me to share. 

God bless you and all those you love 

Kimmie x


  1. Beautiful, very beautiful

  2. Love it, Kimmie! Such a heartfelt poem. Thank you for your unfailing kindness toward others. It's what has always marked you out as a special friend. Maybe one day we will meet 'for real'. But, for now, I salute you, your courage, openness and honesty, your grit and determination, friendliness, heart of gold and justice-fighting spirit. #muchlove It's an honour to be your friend! Xxx :)

  3. Aw Joy, Your comment bought tears to my eyes, Bless you!
    There are so many I would love to meet 'for real' and you lovely friend are in that number :)

    God bless you

    Kimmie x

  4. Much love to you & yours Kimmie....... You are an inspiration xxx

    1. Thank you so much
      Much love to you and yours too
      God bless hun
      Kimmie x

  5. Dear Kimmie,

    Sharing and caring. Your powerful verbalisation, a positive tonic and here's to that new world of compassion we pray for.

    Bless you and here is that share gift of empathy.

    Hugs and a hopeful weekend to you and your loved ones.

    Gary :) x

    1. Thamks Gary, so lovely to here from you, empathy, hugs and much love to you & pooch :) x

  6. Such sweet, sweet words, Kimmie! Thank you! Wishing you all the best! xo

    1. Thank you hun
      All the best to you and yours too :) x

  7. Aw how lovely Kimmie and so typical of you to write such lovely, heartfelt and meaningful words. xx

    1. Thank you Michelle, yours was one of the hearts on my mind as I wrote :) x

  8. Love the poem. Let's have some more, you can do it!

  9. Thanks Ropey - I'm trying to get into the writing swing again - My concentrations poor at the mo, I'm physically not so good at the mo so fatigue & #mindmuddle are an issue o_O
    It took me days to knock this one out (being only able to put in a half hour or so at a time) and there were a few (unpublished) choice words in the midst of no flow frustration. lol
    Your encouragement means a lot to me - Thank you :) x

  10. Thank you so much Palas - I'm thrilled to have discovered your poetry too!
    Thank you for dropping by to read mine and taking the time to comment :)

  11. This is gorgeous. Reading it today was just the right timing for me. I'm feeling very appreciative of my online friends. This is a lovely one to share with them all. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much Norah - for stopping by to read and for taking the time to comment. I'm so glad you liked the poem.

      God bless you and yours hun

      Kimmie x

  12. Beautifully said, Kimmie. I'm a late-comer to social media, having pre-judged it as a superficial way of connecting. In my year+ involvement, I've been astounded at the depth I've found. Your poem expresses it so well. Thank you.

    1. A relative late comer myself Diane - 2+ years - I often wonder how I ever managed without.
      I'm often overwhelmed by the level of depth myself - support, friendship (love even) is amazing!
      Bless you for reading and taking the time to comment, it's lovely to connect with you here :o)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the poem

      God bless you and yours hun

      Kimmie x

    2. You know who I am! I am using my once broken finger to wipe a tear!! Shared Thoughts,much love x

    3. I know you and your hilarious pinky my friend #giggles

      God bless you hun

      Kimmie x

  13. We clicked the first time we met on Twitter 2yrs ago this Sept & I couldn't have coped without you. I can't write poetry so I am stealing your poem & I'm putting my name 'Molly Moo' in the middle instead of yours. (It rhymes too!!) Then I'm sending it to you Kimmie bundled up with all my love, you're such a special friend to me. XXX

    1. Aw Thanks 'Molly Moo'
      You know I love you too :o)

      I'm proud to call you friend hun

      God bless you

      Kimmie x

  14. I do try to explain the sharing on Twitter to others, they just don't get it but it is so real. I've met so many lovely people, know I'm not alone - it's wonderful.

    Thanks for your lovely poem xx


    1. Hi Trish, I'm so sorry I missed your comment in June.

      I'm going to head over to Twitter now and rectify :O) x

  15. Thanks Lizzi, I'm glad you 'get it' :)

    Friends, good friends.... I wonder how I ever used to manage with them all (yourself included) :) x

  16. I could have written this also..people who diss online have never experienced the love of mates here. xxx

    1. I honestly don't know how I used to manage without you all X
